streda 3. augusta 2016

Host rodina

Do odchodu zostáva ešte 15 dní a ja som si povedal že dovtedy musím napísať minimálne 2 príspevky. Dnes teda trochu viac o rodine, škole...

Ako som písal hore, idem do mesta Silverdale, čiže budem inbound (študent ktorý prichádza) v Rotary Club Of Silverdale. 

Pre tento rok som ich jediným študentom, čomu som sa dosť čudoval, keďže RC Bratislava ich hostí každoročne 5. 
Celkovo za rok vystriedam 3 rodiny, v každej cca 4 mesiace. Som v kontakte akurát s prvou, kde budem mať sestru Elise (16), a bratov Cole (18) a Connor (20). Píšem si s mojou host mamou, Rebeccou, ktorá je skvelá. Otca (Glen) ešte nepoznám keďže nemá fb (šťastný to ujo :) ). 
Rodina často cestuje na hory, o čom svedčí ich prvý pokyn - "zober si hiking boots, budeme robiť turistiku."
Avšak, prvý týždeň po prílete budem bývať v inej rodine, pretože Carlsonnovci budú od 14. augusta na dovolenke v Californii. (oznámili mi, že kebyže prídem pred 14.8. , šiel by som s nimi... škoda že som mal toho času už kúpené letenky :) :) )

Budem študentom "Central Kitsap High School", ktorá má okolo 1200 študentov. Výhoda je že je v mojom meste, čiže nemusím chodiť ďaleko a som zvedavý, či tam fungujú tie známe žlté "schoolbuses"

Veľkým šokom bola pre mňa informácia, že nastúpim do ročníka "senior", čo znamená "maturant". Áno, budem tam robiť americkú "graduation". Teším sa z toho, no budem musieť dosť zabrať, pretože si plánujem dať predmety ako sú chémia,biológia,dejepis... aby som na Slovensku nemusel zo všetkého robiť komisionálne skúšky. 
Takisto som si vybral aj šport (na každé ročné obdobie sa vyberá jeden) a síce, fall - tenis ... winter -asi plávanie a ako spring si dám soccer

Central Kitsap High School

English version
15 days left to departure and I said to myself that I have to write at least 2 posts until I leave. So today a little more about the family, the school ...

As I wrote above, I'm going to Silverdale, so I'll be inbound (student who comes) to the Rotary Club of Silverdale.

This year, I am the only student in this Rotary Club, what I got amazed, because RC Bratislava hosts annually five inbounds.
Overall, I will stay in 3 families, in each about four months. I am in contact with the first, where I have a sister Elise (16), and brothers Cole (18) and Connor (20). I write with my host mother, Rebecca, who is cool. I still do not know father (Glen), because he doesnt have fb (the happy person :)).
The family often travels to the mountains, first message about what should I bring, was  - "Take your hiking boots, we will do hiking."
However, the first week after arrival I will stay in another family because Carlsons will be from 14 August vacationing. (They told me that if come before 8/14, I would go with them ... Thats a pity that I had at that time already purchased fly tickets :) :))

I will attend "Central Kitsap High School", which has about 1,200 students. The advantage is that it is in my town, so I do not have to go far and I wonder if there are those famous yellow "schoolbuses"

A big shock for me was the information that I am "senior", which means high school graduate. Yes, I will do there the US "graduation". I am delighted about that, but I will have to struggle with it, because I plan to chose subjects such as chemistry, biology, history ... what means that I will not have to do exams in Slovakia from all the subjects.
I also chose the sport ... fall -tennis, for winter maybe swimming and as a spring, soccer.

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