sobota 27. augusta 2016

Prvé dni v novom svete

Čas plynie strašne rýchlo a už som tu 8. deň. Trošku sa pokúsim priblížiť tento týždeň.

V piatok, 19.8. o 12:05 sme pristáli na letisku v Seattli, kde ma čakali Chuck, Bob a Richard.

Ako som spomínal, do 31. budem u Chucka- rodina je ešte na dovolenke.  Z letiska sme šli rovno k nemu do konferenčného centra, kde je riaditeľom a zároveň tam aj býva. Keďže som sa posunul o 9 hodín dozadu, bol som dosť unavený. Zaspal som okolo 7pm a zobudil som sa o 4am, už sa nedalo spať.

O 10 ma Chuck odviezol k Nancy, kt. mala na prázdninách vnukov. Zobrali ma kayakovať, potom sme spolu lovili krabov, morské hviezdice. Nancy mala v ten deň narodeniny, čiže bola torta, peanut butter a chipsy everywhere. Okrem toho boli na obed kraby, mušle a hotdogy. Prekvapivo musím povedať že mi to dosť chutilo. O 1 pre mňa prišla Ellen, išli sme pozrieť manžela Alana, kt. je sochár, do jeho štúdia. Pozvali ma k nim na večeru. Pripravovali sme spolu hamburgery, varenú kukuricu.. prekvapením bolo že majú záhradku kde si pestujú svoju zeleninu. O 7 sme išli s pár rotariánmi na FroYo- mrazený jogurt s množstvom príchutí a sladkostí. Pravá amerika, veľa sladkého na kope.:)
Sobotu som si užil a unavený som odchádzal s Chuckom domov.

O 10 sme s Rogerom a jeho ženou pádili do kostola do Bremertonu. Všetko bolo isté ako u nás, len kňaz bol vtipný. Celý kostol sa počas kázne rehotal. Omša trvala asi hodinu a pol, po skončení si všetci pri východe podávajú ruky. Pozvali ma na obed do talianskej reštaurácie. Jedlo tu všade stojí okolo 15$, no staff si vás viac viac váži, stále sa pýtajú ako sa máte a podobne. O 4 sme šli na párty k Peggy a Ronovi Templeton- „Let's celebrate the hard work of the Duck Race and welcome our new Rotary Exchange student Matej Kunák from Slovakia“. Kde som sa zoznámil s ostatnými rotariánmi.  Podával sa losos grilovaný na ohni, ryža a veľa zeleniny. Super deň

Ráno sme s Chuckom išli do školy. V aute mi hovorí, že je už dosť stará, že má 100 rokov. Trošku som ho zaskočil keď som mu povedal že náš gympel má cez 350 :) Vybral som si predmety podobné našim. Potom sme vybavili sim kartu a kreditku v Kitsap Bank. Vraciame sa do školy znova, aby sme si ju troška prešli. Je veľmi veľká.
O 5 som mal prvý tenisový tréning. Je nás tam okolo 20, no myslím že si zahrám.

Utorok je deň, kedy Chuck jediný deň v týždni nerobí, čiže na raňajky robíme wafle, pravé americké.
Doobeda sme išli pozrieť obchoďáky do mesta, ceny podobné ako u nás. Akurát mesto má tak 10 000 žijúcich v okolí a obchodné cetrá, Starbucksy, McDonald jak v Bratislave
. O 1 ideme na loď, kúpať sa do Jackson cove, kde by mala byť teplejšia voda, no mala okolo 10 stupňov. Chvíľu mi trvalo než som to dal, no stálo to za to. O 5 klasika tréning. Po tréningu ideme k Cindy na večeru, kde by mali byť ľudia z Burkina Faso, avšak zisťujeme že sme prišli v deň vopred. Čiže sme sa zbalili a dali si večeru v prístave v Poulsbo.

Prvý voľnejší deň, dlhšie som pospal, grilovali sme hotdogy a hamburgery pre 200 ludí, pripravoval som sa na prezentáciu o Slovensku na Rotary club. O 5 znova tenis. Po tenise znova k Cindy, tentokrát už v správny večer. Cindy mala na návšteve ľudí z Burkina Faso, ktorých projekt v Afrike bude tento rok Rotary Club Of Silverdale podporovať. Porozprávali nám svoje príbehy a dali sme si večeru.

O 12 bol Rotary meeting, prezentoval som o Slovensku, o mojom rotary klube, kt. ma vyslal. Po skončení sme išli s Ellen na záhradu, pomôcť vyčistiť starý záhradný dom, plný starých vecí, kt. sa budú predávať v markete. A o 5 klasika practise.

Vstávam o 9, o 10:30 ma berie Kim, Silas a jeho kamoš na miestny jarmok. Sú tu kolotoče, koncerty, stánky s jedlom, prezetujú sa zvieratá. Bolo veľmi teplo, no myslím že všetci sme si to užili a o 5 ma čakal znova tréning. Medzitým Chuck upiekol kura so zemiakmi a zeleninou. Nepovedal by som že vie tak dobre variť.

Prvý týždeň som si veľmi užil, stretol som veľa úžasných ľudí a zažil veľa pekných zážitkov.
Time goes by so fast and I have been here for 8 days . I could try to explain my 1st week.

On Friday 8/19 about 12:05 we landed at the airport in Seattle, where Chuck, Bob and Richard were waiting for me.
As I said, I will be with Chuck until 31st - family is still on vacation. From the airport we went straight to his house, to the conference center, where he is the director and where he also lives. Since I moved back about nine hours, I was tired. I fell asleep around 7pm and I woke up about 4am, I could not sleep more.

At10, Chuck drove me to Nancy, that had grandchildren had on for vacations. They took me kayaking, then we hunted together crabs, sea stars . Nancy had a birthday that day, so there was the cake with ice cream, peanut butter and chips everywhere. As a lunch, we had crabs, oysters and hot dogs. Surprisingly, I have to say that it was tasty. About 1 Ellen came for me, we went to see her husband Alan, who is a sculptor, in his studio. They invited me to dinner. We prepared together burgers, boiled corn and vegetables. Surprise was that they have a garden where they grow their own vegetables. About 7 we went with a few Rotarians to FroYo- frozen yogurt with lots of flavor and sweetness. This is America, sweetness everywhere.
Saturday I enjoyed tired and left to home with Chuck.

At10 we went with Roger and his wife to the church in Bremerton. Everything was the same as in Slovakia, but the priest was funny. The whole church was laughing during the homily. The Mass lasted about an hour and a half and after, when leaving the church, people were shaking hands. They invited me to lunch at an Italian restaurant. Food everywhere here costs about $ 15, but the staff appreciates you more, always keep asking how you are.... About 4 we went to a party that organised Peggy and Ron Templeton- "Let's celebrate the hard work of the Duck Race and welcome our new Rotary Exchange student from Slovakia Matej Kunák". Where I met with other Rotarians. We ate the salmon baked on the fire, rice and lots of vegetables. Super day

In the morning, me and Chuck went to the school. In the car he told me that it is old enough and i tis  100 years old. I surprised him when I told that our High School is over 350 years old. I chose subjects similar to ours. Then we made the SIM card and credit card at Kitsap Bank. We're going back to school again, I wanted to get to know it. It is very large.
About 5 I had the first tennis training. There are about 20 of us, but I think I will play for a team. We had a dinner with Chuck in one of the many restaurants in Silverdale.

Tuesday is the day when Chuck does not work, so we made waffles for breakfast, real American. In the morning we went to see malls in the city, prices are similar to ours. There is about 10,000 people living in Silverdale, but shopping malls, Starbucks, McDonalds are as in Bratislava. At 1  we're going on the boat, to swim in Jackson Cove, where it should be warmer water but was about 10 degrees of Celsius. It took 10 minutes until I jumped into water, but it was worth it.
At 5 as always I had a practise. Then we went for a dinner to Cindy´s house , where should be the people from Burkina Faso, but we found out that we came the day before. So we left and had dinner at the port in Poulsbo.

The first free day, I had more time to prepare for the presentation of Slovakia at the Rotary Club.
At 5 tennis again. After tennis we went again to Cindy, at this time in the right evening. People from Burkina Faso visited Cindy whose project in Africa, the Rotary Club of Silverdale will support. They told us their stories and we had a dinner together.

At 12 was a Rotary meeting, I presented Slovakia and my Rotary club, that sent me here. After the end we went with Ellen to the garden, to help clean the old garden house, full of old things that will be sold at the Market. At 5 practise as always

Get up at 9, at 10:30 takes me Kim, Silas and his friend, we went at the local fair. There were a lot of people, animals, concerts, junk food, lunapark. It was very hot, but I think we all enjoyed it.
At 5 they dropped me to practise.  Meanwhile, Chuck baked chicken with potatoes and vegetables. I would not say that he knows cook so well:-)
I enjoyed this week very much, I met a lot of wonderful people and have a lot of nice experiences.

P.S. : Thank you Chuck for staying with you!:)

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